I don’t like to write reviews for demos so I’ll just leave my thoughts down here.
So I wasn’t planning to play the demo and would’ve just waited for the full game but I couldn’t help myself. Anyway, thanks for believing in this project! I'll work hard so the finished product won't disappoint in the end! Hmm.about the intro, it didn't show anything significant and it was fairly short, so your first impression is understandable. Good luck with the rest of development! Thanks for your review! Tbh I didn't expect one, so this was surprising. As it stands, this intro could just be a little stronger. There’s really great media with very weak introductions that gets a lot better in the second or third quarter, so I hope this isn’t discouraging.

Still, I’m excited to see where this project goes and have faith that it’ll get much better when it’s finished. I’m sure the game will get better as it goes along, or at least it won’t get worse, but so far if I were to score the demo it would probably something like a 5 or 6 out of 10. The visuals are definitely gorgeous, but unfortunately as games like Pocket Mirror have proven visuals alone can’t really save a bad or average game. The writing doesn’t particularly stand out, and many ideas presented feel unoriginal. As it stands, though, it’s an intro that feels all too familiar due to its similarity to many other rpg horror games. It’s very very short and not a whole lot happens, so of course, my opinion will likely change when it comes to the full game. So far i think this demo was completely average. Best to just ignore them tbh.Īuthor=Frogge So I wasn’t planning to play the demo and would’ve just waited for the full game but I couldn’t help myself. Like there's other ways to give feedback than to just spam images. Also one image saying "It's not worth my time" that isn't something I would view as unconditional love. Like what is it suppose to convey? Since it's not showing like you enjoyed it, if you post images from what seems to be a YT video of people who look bored. to ask this, but should I take your comment as sarcasm? To me it comes off pretty sarcastic with the images. Author=ximsol182 author=Davenport Amazing! There is so much potential for this game.